Camden SC - Holy Spirit OCCNA

Archdiocese of the Holy Spirit
An Orthodox Old Catholic Church
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Parishes > South Carolina
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels

A ministry of the Old Catholic Communion of North America. Our aim is to offer an orthodox catholic alternative to contemporary, emotionally based, non-liturgical protestant worship. We seek to foster an orthodox catholic understanding of the Eucharist, as well as the other sacraments of the one holy Catholic and Apostolic church established by Jesus Christ.

As Old Catholics our beliefs are consistent with those established at the first seven ecumenical council of the unbroken Christian Church prior to 1054 AD, & as stated in The Niceno–Constantinopolitan Creed of 381 AD, which is the apostolic faith “once delivered for all.”
 Bishop Charles is the Ordinary of the Diocese of the East, with currently includes a ministry in Camden, SC and Dover, DE.  In Camden Bishop +Charles provides counseling and spiritual direction and is available by scheduled appointment by calling

(803) 427-3694

Bishop +Charles is also currently licensed to function as a presbyter at St. Mary Magdalene in Camden, SC; (- an ACNA parish - in the Diocese of the Carolinas) by the diocesan Bishop; + Steve Wood. +Bishop Charles functions as an adviser to the Vicar, a teacher, and a counselor at the parish.
St. Mary Magdalene Church (ACNA)

Old Catholic Arch Diocese of The Holy Spirit
Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.
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